The basic goal of the therapy behind sustained release dosage form is to achieve a steady state blood or tissue level that is therapeutically effective and non toxic for an extended period of time, the ideal objective of drug delivery are spatial placement and temporal delivery of a drug. Dosage forms that can retain in the stomach are called as gastro-retentive drug delivery system. Gastric retention will provide advantages such as the delivery of drugs with narrow absorption windows in the small intestinal region. Also, longer residence time in the stomach could be advantageous for local action in the upper part of the small intestine. Mucous membrane of the stomach is highly adsorptive for most of the polymers because it contain large amount of water, that�s why the concept of mucoadhesion came out. The polymers which have the property to adhere to the mucous membrane are known as mucoadhesive polymers. The binding of polymer to the mucous membrane has promising results for the sustained drug delivery. Beside stomach mucoadhesive polymers are available which has the property to bind ocular, nasal, Rectal, vaginal, buccal, sublingual surfaces. This approach can be use to prolong the release of drug up to 12 hrs of time.